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Everyday Life Stories

We’re all about creating positive change so that participants and their families can achieve more independence, participation and wellbeing.

Every person’s journey is different, but our basic goals are always the same – to support people to become as independent as possible, participate in everyday community life, and experience wellbeing. Read about how people have achieved more than they thought possible with the right supports and team around them.

Jack Finds His Voice With Early Childhood Intervention

Support from a key worker helped Jack improve his vocabulary to let others know what he wants and needs.

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Supporting Jackson Through a Challenging Time

Jackson and his family get the support they need to navigate a stressful situation.

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Belief Fuels Desmond’s Journey to Walk Again

Desmond gains a fresh sense of optimism for his future after defying expectations.

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David’s Improved Quality of Life

Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner Megan has been helping David keep doing the things he loves.

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Key Worker Model Supports Arlo to Find His Voice

Key Worker model supports Arlo to find his voice and conquer some mobility and verbal challenges.

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Thluangchin’s Journey of Growth and Inclusion

Thluangchin's journey of growth and inclusion lead by a strong support team dedicated to positive change.

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Emilee’s Energising Exchange

Art therapy helps Emilee overcome separation anxiety and build her independence.

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Key Worker Model Supports Cody to Kick Goals

Cody is a seven-year-old who is autistic and non-verbal. He also has global developmental delay. His aim was to ...

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Noah’s Life Changing Journey to Everyday Living

Noah, an eight-year-old with Opsoclonus Myoclonus Ataxia and thoracic neuroblastoma, aimed to increase his ...

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Celebrating Mobility, Independence and World Physiotherapy Day

Rian, a Physiotherapist at Everyday Independence shares a story on the journey of a participant who can now ...

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Caleb Makes Fitness Fun with Physiotherapy

Meet Caleb, an 8-year-old who has achieved many positive outcomes working with Rian, a Physiotherapist at Everyday ...

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Christian’s Swinging Triumph 

Meet Christian, he is 7 years old and began working with Everyday Independence in February 2022 with Key Worker, Sinead.

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