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Positive Change Push: Geelong

The Positive Change Push is our social impact initiative which enables our team members to extend their impact and fund activities that promote greater inclusion within our communities and challenge prevailing perceptions of people with disabilities.

Our Geelong team kicked off their initiative with 1 of 4 sessions at the Kick Academy taking place each Friday afternoon in August!

The aim of this partnership is to bring awareness to mainstream sporting facilities in understanding how an all-inclusive abilities program can be a part of the company. Over 4 weeks, participants will engage with the program and showcase how these all abilities programs can be exciting and successful.

We’re proud that our teams across Australia have embraced the initiative, showing the world that changing the game is in our DNA. The Positive Change Push enables our team members to truly connect to our vision and purpose.  

Our aim in partnering with ‘Kick Academy’ for our Positive Change Push in Geelong is to bring awareness to mainstream sporting facilities in understanding just how easy and supportive it is to have an all abilities program as part of their company. Kick Academy is looking forward to the 4 weeks of sessions as it is their future ambition to be able to facilitate and embed these types of all inclusive programs into their company by themselves.

Darci Rodgers – Team Leader Geelong

As a Speech Pathologist there isn’t many opportunities in my space to get out and support participants in this particular way. Watching the kids have the best time running around and learning all different soccer skills is just fantastic.

Maddie Burt – Speech Pathologist

We look forward to sharing more about the positive impact our teams drive within their communities. Here are more game-changing initiatives that you can expect to hear about:

  • essentials pack developed for underprivileged children in hospital
  • a photography exhibition featuring all ability artists
  • an Everyday Independence participant to publish and deliver book readings of their work
  • several sporting group sponsorships.

Stay tuned for more!

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