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New Graduate Program Q&A #3

Curious about how much supervision you get a week? 

Q&A #3 – How Much Supervision do I get a Week in the Graduate Program? 

It really differs week to week! During the four-week induction, you’ll be surrounded by your fellow new starters, and closely guided by your 1:1 clinical supervisor and team leader. This closer style of supervision will enable you to quickly, and comfortably, adjust to the Everyday Way of work. 

After this, you will work in a combination of 1:1 and group mentoring with your clinical supervisor, who will offer a more personalised and focused style of supervision. After the first few weeks of working together, you will be able to figure out what works best for the both of you in terms of scheduled supervision. 

Graduate Program Online Event

Join us online on 17 September to learn about our 12-month Flying Start Graduate Program and the supports we’ll provide you.

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